Meeting of the Health and Adult Services Executive


10 December 2021

Via MS Teams




Present:        Councillor Michael Harrison and Councillor Andrew Lee


Officers:        Richard Webb (RW); Katie Needham (KN); Louise Wallace (LW) Barry Khan (BK)


Minutes:        Dawn Day




For Note/ Action


Declaration of Interests

County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the standards committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.




Items for Corporate Director decision




To approve the extension of the Adult Weight Management Service contract

It was recommended that the contract be extended for a further two years after the contract end date (30th June 2022 for 6 lots and 2nd July 2022 for Selby lot). 

This decision was deferred from the meeting in November as the Corporate Director and Councillors requested further information on how the services were performing and the sustainability of providers. 

Officers submitted a more detailed report and confirmed they are working with legal and procurement colleagues to look at the sustainability of all providers who have been struggling through Covid.

They have also had a separate meeting with Cllr Lee and provided an additional briefing.

KN acknowledged the need to review the service delivery model within a changing landscape and this will be undertaken over the next few years.  The performance of providers is closely monitored and quarterly meetings are held to ensure they are delivering an appropriate service. 

Cllr Lee expressed the need for a joined up approach across the county, but was not averse to extending the contract as recommended, whilst other work is ongoing to assess level of risk and ensure providers have business continuity arrangements in place.

This Service will be reviewed during the contract extension period as part of Local Government Review process. The leisure provision and assets are significant in delivery of the Adult Weight Management Service.  An extension of the Service will provide an opportunity to explore options for effective, sustainable weight management support for our residents.

RW agreed and requested an impact assessment on provider  viability to be presented as an exempted report at the next meeting.   


1.    It was agreed to extend the current Adult Weight Management Service for a further two years after the contract end date (30th June 2022 for 6 lots and 2nd July 2022 for Selby lot). 


2.    It is recommended that a separate report will be brought to HASEX in January 2022 to consider assurance options for provider service continuity, in the context of the pressures which Covid-19 has created within the health, leisure and fitness sector nationally.










Notes of previous meeting held on 19 November 2021




Agreed as accurate record